RDS Enterprise for Multi-Site Senior Living Providers
For senior living corporations that operate multiple communities, maintaining a standard of consistency throughout the entire healthcare system is crucial. Effective data management is an essential part of this process that can be realized with enterprise level automation. With our latest product, RDS Enterprise, you can centralize all your item, recipe and menu data and therefore eliminate the need to replicate changes at every single site.
RDS Enterprise makes it possible to administer system-wide changes to your data from your designated corporate "parent" site. Subsequently, the data is synchronized directly to the RDS and/or RDS Elite systems at each of the other "child" community sites. Not only does this centralized process decrease instances of error, but it streamlines your workflow and creates productivity across all communities.
Enterprise features include:
Centralized Data
- Item Selection and Purchasing Options
- Recipe Ingredients and Preparation Instructions
- Menu Development and Maintenance
- Cost Analysis
- Nutritional Analysis
- Administration Tables
- Corporate Controls
- Community Groupings
- Role Based User Access
Efficiency Goes Up. Labor Costs Go Down.
Multi-Site Recipe & Menu Planning
- Centrally build and maintain items, recipes and menus at your Enterprise site
- Powerful synchronization process automatically transfers information from the central Enterprise site to each of the community sites
- Unique community grouping functionality helps to manage a cluster of communities and send out regional menus
- Job role feature enables a corporate entity to control the system privileges by granting or limiting the level of accessibility for each community site
- Enhanced user management capabilities to centrally add or deactivate users for all sites